Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jesse Needs A Little Help From His Friends

Jesse needs your help! He has a growth on his paw that will need to be removed as soon as possible. We went to the vet yesterday and he was given an antibiotic because he has been licking the top of the paw and caused an open sore to form and the vet wants to prevent an infection there which could enter his system and cause problems. The surgery will cost approx.$900 because while he is under the vet will also remove the facial warts that he has developed and clean his teeth, and send the growth to be biopsied. I would like to do this surgery as soon as possible but do not have the funds since I am no longer working and my situation doesn't look to improve in the forseeable future. Any donation you can make, no matter how small will be gladly appreciated, and please go over to my shops and make a purchase to help if you see anything you might want. Thanks for helping my fur boy!
Much love, Carol

Jesse update: Surgery is scheduled for April 6th, we went in today to meet our new vet and we are very happy! the surgery will cost less than the original estimate from the old vets so we will not be going back to that place again..I am hoping we will have the first half with what's been raised so far. and they will take payments so I can do it now..thanks again for all your help so far! I will post an update once the surgery has been done.